I can’t remember the first blog post I ever wrote, but I do remember mis-spelling the title of that blog as Hello Wolrd and I left it that way. I always do this, I start a blog and I write the first post in it and I make excuses about how I need to re-start blogging and writing and ruminate about all the blogs I have had in the past and that this blog is going to be the one to rule them all.
This is another one of those posts!
I am turning 40 for the 2nd time Friday, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older, but I’m getting really tired of the content on social media. I tend to have small things to say and I usually post on social media when I want to say it. A month ago I decided to get off social media for the rest of the year, and I’m even considering getting off it forever (or at least for a long time). But I still have things to say! Not much, but a few things. I also have said a lot in the past on all these various blogs and I do intend to port them over and back-date them to this site. Hopefully it becomes a place I can share what I think outside of social media, which has just become crazy these days. TBH the real reason I’m off social media is reels the doom-scrolling black holes of this feature of most social media really is the worst thing about social media. But, I digress…
An Update
Again, I can’t remember that last post I wrote but I currently work at AwesomeMotive after 7 years at WebDevStudios. I left WDS because I wanted to change the kind of work I was doing. They were a great company to work for and I often miss things about working at WDS. But I wanted to work on a single product or plugin, and that’s what I get to do everyday working on AffiliateWP.
What else? I’m living in Albuquerque, NM now. I lived in Phoenix for about 10 or so years and we moved back to New Mexico (grew up in Roswell, NM) to be closer to family and for our kids to enjoy time with their grandparents and great-grandparents. We moved here as a bit of an experiment, but it’s turned out to be a place we really love to live and watch our kids grow. So we’ll likely be here for a while.

Living in ABQ has really improved my involvement with the Tennis Community here. I’ve won a couple tournaments here and I really enjoy the people that make up this community. Every weekend just-about I’m playing Tennis!