How I configured (Laravel) Valet + PHP to send ALL email to Mailhog on Mac w/ Homebrew

I needed to configure PHP + Valet to send any and all emails to Mailhog. This is how I configured my system:


brew install mailhog
brew services start mailhog

Then in /opt/homebrew/etc/php/<version>/conf.d/z-php.ini Add:

sendmail_path=/opt/homebrew/bin/mailhog sendmail


brew services restart php
valet restart

…and if you are using valet isolate in a specific site, also:

valet isolate php@<version>

This should tell that version of PHP to send ANY email via /opt/homebrew/bin/mailhog sendmail which should end up in the Mailhog UI at

You can also:

valet proxy mailhog.test

And use mailhog.test to access Mailhog.
