The other night I was explaing to my oldest daughter the effort I put (as a child) into creating the most un-useful and mundain things on my Apple IIe, like a BASIC app that just showed a progress bar that generated random sleep times so the progress bar would feel real. That’s in, just a stupid app that doesn’t really do anything… I was explaining this to her because she felt she had to build (not a computer program) something useful in order to build it.
The thing I explained to her is that I had SO MUCH FUN! As an adult, I don’t have that much fun building actual useful things. Building un-useful things come with no risk.
Taking my own advise
I need to learn a lot of things, especially with the way that WordPress is growing and changing. I feel the frontend-side of me slipping away from me slowly, and I still want to be considered full-stack.
And so, I’m going to take my own advise and start spending some time just building useless things on purpose! I want to look into more NextJS stuff, Tailwind, Chakra UI, and just build some wild stuff that isn’t necessarily WordPress or for a purpose (though I will be building a sort-of useful block as a part of all this).
Now to carve out the time to do this…