This time I went a little wild with some of the changes to my site, but that’s just because some of the recent changes to my life have been a bit wild. I kept most of the re-design from 31.0 Trevor Hall, but added some…funk? The theme and colors chosen are based on my recent landing of my dream job with WebDevStudios and a little splash of a New Mexico sunset.
Who is Nahko?
Nahko (and Medicine for the People) is an artist I have been listening to lately. There’s something infectious going on with his music, I think it really speaks to my spirit and where I am in my life right now. I would be lying if the music didn’t also help inspire the changes to my site!
The embedded video above is one of my favorite songs right now.
“I believe in the good things coming.” – Black as Night
Especially after joining WebDevStudios this repeated verse (in the song) really speaks to me. You really do have to believe in good things coming your way to really go out there and make them happen for yourself.
Nerd Notes
I also did something new. Usually, with my site, I would clone down WordPress and clone down the Publish-pwd theme into the themes directory. But, I’ve opted to version control my entire site and include WordPress.
The proof-in-case situation happened last night. I updated WordPress (the new way, by merging the 4.2 branch into mine) and found out 4.2 had a bug a plugin had a bug that broke my site (link to come later). I was easily able to revert that merge and all was well again.
The other reason is to keep track of the plugins and themes I use and version control those as well. So that’s new…
I know it’s wild, but that’s the intention. Makes me wonder what 31.2 will look like.