How to disable the Lock key on a non-Mac Bluetooth Keyboard

I have been searching the Internet for the answer to this, and it turned out to be quite simple.

You don’t need Karabiner-Elements, just run:

defaults write DisableScreenLockImmediate -bool yes

That disabled the stupid Lock key above the Delete key! I hit this thing all the time, and I have a really complicated password!

Firefox DE…we’re back together!…for a weird reason

First off, I have never liked using Google Chrome for development. The only reason I DEV in it is because it’s a popular browser. That’s it…

Recently I have had a bit of a paradigm shift in how I manage windows and tabs on my Mac. I use spaces now. I am preferring windows over tabs (but not spaces over tabs, that’s evil, and wrong)…

All this to say that one little annoyance, related to this, has me switching back to Firefox DE (Developer Edition) for my development browser.

You remember when I said I preferred windows over tabs? Well, let’s say I have a Chrome window on Space A doing Work X… and I have one on Space B doing Work Y…and I need to open a link on Space C to do Work Z… Well, if I click that link I get a new tab on random Space X, Y, or Z (probably the last window I used).

That’s not what I want. I’ve tried every hack to make sure a new link opens a new window on Space C (my current space) in Chrome, but, like Google does, there just isn’t a reasonable way.

To my surprise, Firefox DE (and Firefox itself) on MacOS follows the behavior I have setup on Mac.

This setting should dictate everything. Most apps follow the rules here, not Google Chrome. But, like I said, FFDE seems to like to follow the rules I set on my own computer.

How I use Choosy + Shareful to copy clicked (external) URL to my clipboard instead of opening in a browser on MacOS

So what I want is for external links to just go to my clipboard! Then I can decide what to do with the URL. But, with Choosy and Shareful I can do so much more. I can copy the URL to my clipboard (just like I wanted) and I can also send that URL to other apps like Messages, Mail, Notes, and more!

Checkout the video on this post on how I did it. You will need to install Choosy and Shareful to accomplish it.

Note, I updated my Rule in Choosy to this (which is a bit different than the video):

What going light would look like, for me

Ever since macOS added dark mode I have been a user. Using dark mode in the OS, my text editor (Sublime), Github, etc.

But today I tinkered around with what using light mode might look like for me:

As you can see I would have to compromise a little with Sublime and iTerm, I just can’t find a good enough color scheme that is all-white or off-white, so I went with a theme I’ve used in the past and enjoyed.

I’ve always felt a bit of nostalgia using light themes, so I often wonder if I’d ever use one. But for now back to dark mode…