How to get better tabs in Firefox UI (on Mac)

Yes, the tabs in Firefox suck, they look like pills (or buttons) and look horrible, right?

This is how I styled them to look a little more visually pleasing:

Edit /Users//Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles//chrome/userChrome.css and add the following:

Note, you should know where this file is. If you don’t, Google it and come back here.

.tab-background {
	border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px !important;
	border-top-right-radius: 0 !important;
	border-top-left-radius: 0 !important;
	margin-right: 0 !important;
	margin-left: 0 !important;
	margin-bottom: 0 !important;
	margin-top: 0 !important;

.tabbrowser-tab:not( [selected=true] ):not( [multiselected=true] ) .tab-background {
	background-color: color-mix( in srgb, currentColor 10%, transparent);

I am using this theme, curious how this looks in other themes.

Also, please let me know how this works on Windowz!

How to add a custom XDebug Client menu to Sublime Text (on Mac)

Note, this works with this package: XDebug Client

Edit your Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Main.sublime-menu file and add the following to it:

        "caption": "XDebug",
        "mnemonic": "X",
        "id": "xDebug",
                "caption": "Continue",
                "command": "xdebug_continue"
                "caption": "Evaluate",
                "command": "xdebug_evaluate"
                "caption": "Restart",
                "command": "xdebugsessionrestart"
                "caption": "Stop",
                "command": "xdebugsessionstop"
                "caption": "Toggle Breakpoint",
                "command": "xdebug_breakpoint"
                "caption": "Clear All Breakpoints",
                "command": "xdebugclearall_breakpoints"
                "caption": "Start",
                "command": "xdebugsessionstart"

Now, at first all the menu items won’t show, but that’s because you haven’t started a debugging session. Just add a breakpoint and start a session to see all the other menu items.

I wish SublimeText had a API for adding buttons for these, but I think this is as good as it’s going to get!

See my configuration, as it may have been changed or improved.

Happy debugging!

How to run commands in a sub-shell and suppress output in the background that’s ZSH & shellcheck compatible

TL;DR: This works:

( (
) 1>&2>& & )

So, basically, what this does is run a sub-shell then bury your commands in another sub-shell and closes all STDOUT being reported and is sent to the background. I honestly am still not sure how this works!


Because I use shellcheck with my zsh scripts, the following flagged an unknown error in shellcheck (because shellcheck does not support zsh at the moment) and it wouldn’t lint the file:

() (
) &> /dev/null &!

Specifically, it was the &! that wasn’t working (but is a valid ZSH directive to suppress background output). I would always get job output at the least using most of the suggestions, e.g., on Stack Exchange. So, I went down a Googling rabbit hole with no answers until I landed on:

After navigating the formatting issues, I came up with the above Bash-compatible solution to run commands in the background with no output!
